Giardini Hotel
Hotel Giardini

Via San Pietro 22 - 41043 Formigine (MO)
Tel.: 059/556878 - FAX: 059/7421182
Italian - ItalyEnglish (United Kingdom)

Situated in the nearby of Modena and Maranello, the Hotel Giardini is placed in the historical and calm city centre of Formigine.

Thanks to the good quality service and the good prices, the Hotel Giardini offers a right equilibrium between quality and costs.

The kind and familiar Reception is always open, 24 hours a day, to offer to the guests a beautiful stay.
Moreover the Hotel is situated near good and tipical food restaurants.

Reservation Request Form
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Room: (*)
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Number of adults: (*)
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More than 14 years
Number of Children:
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From 2 to 14 years
Number of Infants:
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From 0 to 2 years
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Date of Arrival: (*)
Indicate the date of arrival
Date of Departure: (*)
Enter the date of departure
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